Children’s Health and Education


Find out how the Transcendental Meditation program can be applied to solve the problems of:

• Poor academic achievement
• Anxiety
• Depression
• Substance abuse
• School violence
• Bullying
• Teacher burnout

Review Scientific Research on the Transcendental Meditation program.

The alarming rise of classroom stress fuels widespread problems in education, including poor academic achievement, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, bullying, school violence, and teacher burnout.

To overcome these problems, any successful educational reform effort must include the knowledge and methodologies to dissolve stress and awaken each student’s full potential.

Many schools across the country are finding the stress-reducing, nonreligious Transcendental Meditation® program of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi to be an effective solution. Research in education has shown that this program strengthens physiological and cognitive foundations of learning, while promoting healthy lifestyle choices and positive behaviour.

“All schools in BC and Saskatchewan are required to have an anti-bullying program in their school … Three weeks ago my wife and I sat in a conference in Saskatoon with over 500 administrators, teachers, students, police officers, social workers who were trying to find a way to make their schools safer, stress-free.

“Presenters from all over North America and even Scotland were talking about how to reduce stress. None of them could point to a school that is stress-free (an impossible concept to them). The educational community… is screaming for assistance and help to solve the bullying problems, let alone the academic issues.”
- Bruce Laurie, principal of a Saskatchewan school (K-12) with 260 students

Presenting the benefits of the Transcendental Meditation program in the classroom

The Canadian Association for stress-free Schools provides educators, government leaders, health professionals, and foundations with a complete introduction to the Transcendental Meditation program—including the more than 30 years of scientific research and classroom experience which document its practical and wide-ranging benefits for both students and teachers. One outstanding example is the seven-year success of the TM®program at the award-winning Maharishi School in Fairfield, Iowa. Please see

“What I appreciate most when I meditate is the inner calm and deep rest. It makes my mind clearer—and my day so much smoother.”
— Coral, Age 17